Monday, August 10, 2009

Easy out # 1: Cops don't know the law

There is a very simple technique for exercising your rights in court and defending from almost any illegal case thrown at you. This is something called impeaching the witness, and in most cases we face the only witness is a cop. If you get the witness to be shown incompetent in a court, none of his testimony can be accepted from that point forth and in a real justice system, the case would be dismissed (a little harder than that with real life judges).

One easy way to impeach the cop is to ask him a few very simple but profound questions during your cross-examination.

1. Are you alleging that a crime has been committed Mr. officer?
2. O.k. well, what elements make up a crime?
(according to the supreme court the corpus delicti in any case [corpus= body delicti=of a crime] is made up of 2 things, proof of injury loss or damage i.e. violation of rights and proof of it being caused by the defendent .. see standing cross reference article)

For one, most cops don't know the law and won't even know crimes have elements. Well, you obviously don't qualify to accuse someone of a crime if you don't know what it is. and if he does know, he will perjure himself by answering because most traffic cases don't meet the 2 elements required for a crime.

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