Knowledge is power, and this short letter will turn you into a legal super hero if you can simply open your mind to what we are trying to share with you and realize that the forefathers have left a crack in the door for future generations to access freedom far surpassing anything that’s ever been achieved.
Some of you may find this information hard to believe, as it contradicts what we have been taught to believe since early childhood, but the facts remain, and the truth is obvious to anyone who seeks it.
This information has been hidden in plain sight by public servants in order for them to rob and violate the rights of the same people they’re supposed to protect and serve.
FACT 1: The government of the United States, as stated by the Constitution, was created to protect the individual rights of citizens. This means that the government as designed by the forefathers does not do anything until the individual rights of its citizens are threatened.
FACT 2: The government (Federal, state and municipal) has no jurisdiction (power to act) unless there is loss or damage to property and or an injured party. As with any other judicial proceeding, there must be sufficient evidence of an injured party. Only a human being or human beings can represent injured parties (the state i.e. fictional entity cannot represent an injured party). Traffic tickets are illegal.
FACT 3: When you are in court and the government is prosecuting, you never get a fair trial. The obvious truth hidden in plain sight is that the judges have a conflict of interest because they are paid and employed by the same entity that is prosecuting you. Traffic tickets are illegal.
FACT 4: Standing is essentially the right to press charges or bring a case to court. I cannot press charges for someone smashing my neighbor’s car, and neither does any police officer or judge. Only someone tied to the property at hand has standing to sue the offender for damages. These facts make it impossible to justify traffic tickets.
FACT 5: Any statute, regulation, code or law that contradicts the U.S. constitutions is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and does not apply to the people. Any attempt to enforce such a statute, regulation or code is illegal.
How does this information apply to you?
Any time you find yourself facing criminal or civil charges, but there is no injured party or damaged property, then the state has overstepped its boundaries, because it is no longer protecting any citizen’s rights, but is instead doing the exact opposite.
This Letter goes out to the thousands of people that have suffered under our judicial system for such imaginary crimes as carrying, smoking, and trading leaves and chemicals. Their rights were violated by the same system that was supposed to protect them. Don’t let the same thing happen to you. Get informed!
How do you apply this information?
Stand up for your rights by getting informed and holding government officials to a higher standard of respect for citizens constitutional rights.
We have developed a strategy that anyone can use to protect themselves in court from unjustified attacks on their life and property. All it takes is to simply have the right information and ask the right questions.
We have developed a strategy that anyone can use to protect themselves in court from unjustified attacks on their life and property. All it takes is to simply have the right information and ask the right questions.
Get more information about how to defend your rights and learn how to successfully apply this information in order to protect your life, liberty and property.
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The local defense club offers Free Help from people in your community who have put this information to use in defending themselves and can help you do the same.